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Ihren Lieblingsverein Eintracht Frankfurt immer dabei haben – jetzt auch im Portemonnaie. Mit unserer Deutsche Bank Card (Debitkarte) mit einem von drei Adler-Wunschmotiven.

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*Erfahren Sie mehr unter „Bedingungen für Vorteilsleistungen“. Maßgeblich sind die Bedingungen für Karten und das aktuelle Preis- und Leistungsverzeichnis der Deutsche Bank AG. Weitere Infos dazu unter: „Konditionen und Preise“.

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Mit dem Basiskonto bieten wir Ihnen ein Kontomodell auf Guthabenbasis (monatlicher Grundpreis: 6, 90 Euro). Sie erhalten alle wichtigen Funktionen, die Ihnen eine Teilnahme am bargeldlosen Zahlungsverkehr wie z.B. Überweisungen, Daueraufträge und Lastschriften ermöglichen.

Sie können das Basiskonto direkt in unseren Filialen eröffnen oder Sie benutzen folgende Anträge. Senden Sie uns diese vollständig ausgefüllt sowie unterschrieben per Post, bei Neukunden ist zusätzlich noch eine Legitimation per PostIdent-Verfahren nötig.

In Deutschland können Sie in unseren Filialen, an ca. 7.000 inländischen Geldautomaten der Cash Group (Deutsche Bank, Postbank, Commerzbank, HypoVereinsbank) sowie an Kassen von Shell-Tankstellen kostenfrei Bargeld abheben. Außerdem ist das gebührenfreie Abheben von Bargeld in Filialen von Aldi Süd, Lidl, Netto, Penny und Rewe sowie in DM- und EDEKA-Märkten möglich. Der Mindesteinkaufswert wird vom teilnehmenden Händler vor Ort festgelegt und liegt in der Regel zwischen 5 und 10 Euro bei einer Abhebungssumme bis zu 200 Euro.

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Im Ausland erhalten Sie mit Ihrer Deutsche Bank Card (Girocard/Debitkarte) kostenfrei Bargeld an allen Geldautomaten der Deutschen Bank Gruppe. In über 60 Ländern erhalten Sie bei unseren Kooperationspartnern Bargeld ohne zusätzliche Kosten für das Abheben, es fallen lediglich Kosten für ein Währungsumrechnungsentgelt an: Bank of America (USA), Barclays (z. B. Großbritannien), BGL (Luxemburg), BNP Paribas (Frankreich), Scotiabank (z. B. Kanada, Mexiko), TEB (Türkei) und Westpac (Australien, Neuseeland). Die vollständige Übersicht finden sie hier. 

Sie möchten Ihre Zahlungspartner wie beispielsweise Arbeitgeber, Mobilfunkanbieter oder Versicherungen über Ihre neue Bankverbindung informieren? Dann nutzen Sie nach der Kontoeröffnung unseren bequemen digitalen Kontowechsel-Service

Ihr Online-Banking ist durch eine Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung geschützt. Die Deutsche Bank setzt stets auf aktuellste Sicherheitsstandards. Firewalls schützen vor nicht autorisierten Zugriffen auf die Systeme. Darüber hinaus sorgt ein mehrstufiges Verschlüsselungs- und Identifizierungssystem dafür, dass Unbefugte Ihre Daten weder erfragen noch abfangen oder lesbar machen können.

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Ihre Log-in Daten (Kontonummer und PIN) für das Deutsche Bank OnlineBanking erhalten Sie sofort online während der Kontoeröffnung, wenn Sie sich per VideoLegitimation legitimieren. Ihre 5-stellige PIN können Sie dabei selbst bestimmen. Einen photoTAN-Aktivierungsbrief für die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung per photoTAN, die Ihnen einen sicheren Log-in ermöglicht, erhalten Sie postalisch wenige Tage nach Ihrer Bestellung. Weitere Information zur photoTAN

Die Deutsche Bank Card (Girocard/Debitkarte) und PIN werden aus Sicherheitsgründen immer getrennt voneinander versendet. Die Karte und PIN erhalten Sie wenige Tage nach der Kontoeröffnung per Brief zugeschickt.

Im BestKonto ist eine Reiserückvergütung von 6% erhalten. Einfach als BestKonto-Inhaber auf eine Reise buchen oder unter (069) 910-10000 telefonisch mit dem Reisebüro verbinden lassen (Mo-Sa 8:00-22:00 Uhr).

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Girokonto Eröffnen: Schnell & Einfach

Mit der kontaktlos-Funktion können Sie bis zu einem Betrag von 50 Euro in der Regel ohne Unterschrift oder PIN-Eingabe Ihren Einkauf bezahlen. Dazu halten Sie Ihre Deutsche Bank Card (Girocard/Debitkarte) nur für wenige Sekunden nahe an das Kassen-Terminal. Erst bei Einkäufen ab 50 Euro wird eine PIN abgefragt. Die Nutzung des kontaktlosen Zahlens ist schnell, einfach, kostenfrei, besonders hygienisch und genauso sicher wie eine Zahlung durch Stecken der Karte.

Ihre Deutsche Bank Card ist immer mit der kontaktlos-Funktion ausgestattet. Um das kontaktlose Zahlen bei einer neuen Karte zu aktivieren, müssen Sie diese bei der ersten Nutzung einmalig in das Kassen-Terminal stecken und die Zahlung mit der PIN bestätigen. Danach ist die kontaktlos-Funktion Ihrer Deutsche Bank Card aktiviert.

Mit Apple Pay können Sie einfach und schnell mit Ihrem iPhone oder Ihrer Apple Watch Ihren Einkauf bezahlen. Die Zahlung mit Apple Pay ist für Sie kostenfrei. Sie können in Deutschland in rund 500.000 Geschäften, Restaurants sowie Taxis und weltweit an mehr als 44 Millionen Mastercard-Akzeptanzstellen zahlen – überall dort, wo Sie das kontaktlos-Symbol sehen. Ihren Einkauf bezahlen Sie, indem Sie Ihr mittels FaceID oder TouchID entsperrtes iPhone oder Ihre Apple Watch mit aktivierter Apple Pay Funktion an das Kassen-Terminal halten.

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Sie können Apple Pay einfach in der „Deutsche Bank Mobile“- App aktivieren. Sie benötigen nur ein Girokonto und eine virtuelle Mastercard Debitkarte (dauerhaft ohne Jahresgebühr). Die virtuelle Mastercard Debitkarte können Sie im Rahmen der Apple Pay Aktivierung in der „Deutschen Bank Mobile“-App bestellen.

Paydirekt ist das Bezahlverfahren der deutschen Banken und Sparkassen für das Online-Shopping. Die Zahlung erfolgt direkt und ausschließlich über Ihr Girokonto. Ihre Kontodaten werden dabei weder an den Händler noch an Dritte weitergegeben. Sie können die paydirekt Funktion Ihres Girokontos im Online-Banking aktivieren.

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Mit paydirekt können Sie beispielsweise bei zahlreichen Webshops wie z.B., MediaMarkt, DocMorris, ABOUT YOU oder Deutsche Bahn bezahlen. Jede Zahlung können Sie transparent im Online-Banking, auf Ihren Kontoauszügen oder dem FinanzPlaner nachverfolgen. Außerdem genießen Nutzer den paydirekt Käuferschutz.

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Sie können Kontoauszüge kostenlos erhalten, indem Sie das digitale Postfach (eSafe) im Online-Banking oder der „Deutschen Bank Mobile“-App aktivieren. Im digitalen Postfach finden Sie die Kontoauszüge sowie andere Mitteilungen der Bank. Die Dokumente werden im Rahmen einer bestehenden Kontoverbindung unbefristet im Postfach archiviert und können jederzeit ausgedruckt oder heruntergeladen werden.

Alternativ können Sie Kontoauszüge für Ihr Girokonto mit einer Deutsche Bank Card oder einer Deutsche Bank Card Service kostenlos an den SB-Geräten der Deutschen Bank ausdrucken.

Ein Girokonto ist die Grundlage des täglichen Zahlungsverkehrs und aus dem Alltag nicht wegzudenken. Ein Girokonto ist eine Voraussetzung, um eine Wohnung zu mieten oder Gehalt zu beziehen. Mit einem Girokonto können Sie beispielsweise Geld sicher aufbewahren, per Überweisung verschicken und erhalten, Bargeld abheben und einzahlen oder per Girocard bezahlen.

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Grundsätzlich kann in Deutschland jeder Volljährige ein Girokonto eröffnen. Auch Minderjährige ab 7Jahren können ein Girokonto eröffnen, sofern die Erziehungsberechtigten per Unterschrift Ihre Zustimmung erteilen.

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Für die Eröffnung eines Girokontos müssen wir Ihre Identität feststellen, wenn Sie nicht bereits ein Kunde der Deutschen Bank sind. Für diese sogenannte Legitimation stehen Ihnen drei Optionen zur Auswahl. 

Wir empfehlen Ihnen die VideoLegitimation, da dieses Verfahren besonders schnell sowie unabhängig von Öffnungszeiten möglich ist. Außerdem erhalten Sie sofort online Ihre Kontonummer und können Ihre Wunsch-PIN für das Online-Banking festlegen.

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In Deutschland hat jeder Verbraucher einen gesetzlichen Anspruch auf ein Girokonto mit Mindestfunktionen (z. B. Bareinzahlungen und Auszahlungen, unbarer Zahlungsverkehr) zu einem angemessenen Preis. Dieses Konto wird auch Basiskonto genannt und ermöglicht beispielsweise auch Obdachlosen oder Asylsuchenden den Zugang zu Bankdienstleistungen. Basiskonto beantragen

1 Für Schüler, Azubis, Studenten und Bundesfreiwilligendienstleistende bis einschließlich 30 Jahren mit Meldeadresse im EU-Inland kostenlos 2In Deutschland an allen Geldautomaten der Cash Group (Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, HypoVereinsbank sowie Postbank) und an Kassen vieler Shell Tankstellen. In über 60 Ländern erhalten Sie bei unseren Kooperationspartnern Bargeld ohne zusätzliche Kosten für das Abheben, es fallen lediglich Kosten für ein Währungsumrechnungsentgelt an: Bank of America (USA), Barclays (z. B. Großbritannien), BGL (Luxemburg), BNP Paribas (Frankreich), Scotiabank (z. B. Kanada, Mexiko), TEB (Türkei) und Westpac (Australien, Neuseeland). 3Eingeräumte Kontoüberziehung, ab 18 Jahren, Bonität vorausgesetzt 4Die Rückvergütung gilt nicht für Steuern, zusätzliche Gebühren und vergleichbare Aufschläge sowie Stornogebühren. Die Gutschrift erfolgt durch die Deutsche Bank rund 6 Wochen nach Ihrer Reise. Für die Reise gelten immer die Bedingungen des Reiseveranstalters. 5Bei Kartenverlust fällt kein Selbstbehalt an. Keine Haftung bei sorgfältigem Umgang mit Karte und PIN sowie ordnungsgemäßer und unverzüglicher Meldung. 6Überziehung des Kontos ohne zugesagten DispoKredit3 oder über diesen hinaus 7Debitkarte ab 12 Jahren, bonitätsunabhängig. Kreditkarte ab 18 Jahren, Bonität vorausgesetzt. 8 Zur Nutzung von Mobilem Zahlen für Android benötigen Sie eine Deutsche Bank Mastercard, z.B. die Deutsche Bank Card Plus (Mastercard Debitkarte, nur 18 Euro Jahresbeitrag, ab 12 Jahren, bonitätsunabhängig). 9 Zur Nutzung von Apple Pay benötigen Sie ein Deutsche Bank Konto oder eine Deutsche Bank Mastercard, z.B. die Deutsche Bank Card Plus (Mastercard Debitkarte, nur 18 Euro Jahresbeitrag, ab 12 Jahren, bonitätsunabhängig).

Zum Schutz Ihrer persönlichen Daten werden das Video und die Verbindung zu YouTube erst nach einem Klick aktiv. Bereits beim Aktivieren des Videos werden personenbezogene Daten (IP-Adresse) an YouTube bzw. Google gesendet und gegebenenfalls auch dort gespeichert. Wenn Sie den Button "Video aktivieren" anklicken, wird ein Cookie auf Ihrem Computer gesetzt, sodass die Website weiß, dass Sie dem Anzeigen von eingebetteten Videos in Ihrem Browser zugestimmt haben. Weitere Details zu den von Google erhobenen Daten finden Sie unter .

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Many creative talents choose Apple over Microsoft under the false impression that the drawing apps for Windows aren’t as polished and easy to use. The truth is that Windows isn’t just a rough around the edges workhorse. It offers many drawing, sketching, and design apps for amateurs and professionals alike.

Whether you prefer a drawing tablet or a pen display, Windows comes with a wide range of free and premium programs to choose from. In this article, you’re going to learn about the best drawing apps for Windows.

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Photoshop is the Jack-of-all-trades in the professional digital art world for a reason. It can handle everything from photo editing to digital painting, drawing, and more. The only downside is the lack of vector editing, but you can use Adobe Illustrator to cover that blind spot.

Best Free Drawing Software For Windows And Mac

Photoshop comes with a library of brushes and pens to get you started on creating any custom digital art you can imagine. You can even expand this library by installing third-party brush packages. There are countless unique brushes to choose from and they range from simple textures to premade objects.

Adobe Illustrator was designed specifically for drawing and it is a standard in the digital art industry. No matter what kind of art you’re drawing and what type of drawing tablet you’re using, Illustrator offers all the tools an artist needs. This app is a complete drawing package that lets you create complex art fit for print.

As mentioned earlier, Photoshop isn’t a vector editor but Illustrator is. Vectors are scalable. This means you can change the size of your shapes whenever you want without losing quality. Vector editing is particularly important if you’re drawing logos and various design elements.

Digital Art & Painting Software

Krita is a professional drawing app developed by artists for artists. And it’s free! This open-source program can replace most drawing apps because it offers high-end features that we see in premium apps like Photoshop and Illustrator.

There’s a large variety of brushes and pens, you get halftone filters, perspective tools, HDR support, advanced transform tools, and much more. You can even create your own custom brushes. Krita is great for all types of drawings and illustrations, including comics.

Right-click, or use your stylus’ shortcut button, and this selection tool will pop up. You can quickly switch between drawing tools, colors, and other tools as you draw without shifting your attention elsewhere.

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Corel Painter is one of the top drawing apps for professionals and it comes with a steep price tag to prove it. Once your trial expires, you can opt for a one-time purchase for $430 or an annual subscription for $199. However, if you dig deep you can find great offers on Amazon and other stores. Sometimes you might find Corel Painter as part of a $30 humble bundle.

Best Drawing Apps For Windows - Digital Art Apps Free Pc Manager For Windows 7 Key

That said, Corel Painter excels at digital painting. Its tools are designed to get rid of the “digital” part as much as possible and make your digital brush strokes look as real as those on the actual canvas. You’ll have control over the brush’s dab effect like nowhere else.

If you’re into digital painting as your main drawing style, you should give Corel Painter a shot despite the scary-looking price tag.

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As the name of the app suggests, Sketchbook is the best for sketching your ideas. It’s designed to feel like sketching with a pen and piece of paper, so using a stylus is heavily recommended to get the best experience.

Enable Sketchbook’s full-screen mode to have a large canvas in front of your eyes and nothing else that can distract you. Then draw your designs using the wide range of brushes and tools at your disposal. You can even customize everything you need.

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That said, the best thing about Sketchbook is the Predictive Stroke feature. Sketching is imperfect, but Sketchbook manages to eliminate many imperfections for you by automatically correcting the lines and shapes you draw.

The Best Drawing Apps And Art Apps For 2023

If you’re looking to create hyper-realistic digital paintings, Rebelle 4 might be exactly what you need. This program mimics the way oil paints and watercolors interact with each other and with the canvas or paper. Choose between hundreds of brushes, types of paper, and canvas to enjoy the way painting feels in the real world without making a mess.

Rebelle 4 is one of the best drawing apps for Windows for artists that want to switch from traditional painting to digital painting.

For comics, character art, and concept art, Clip Studio Paint Pro is hard to beat. It provides the traditional feel of drawing with highly accurate pen pressure detection and all the painting features you need. It is optimized for Wacom drawing tablets, so if you’re using one, you have to try this app. However, other tablets are supported as well.

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There are thousands of customizable brushes available and new drawing materials are being added monthly by the developers to help you create the best art you can. Other users also contribute to the materials library, so there’s no shortage of tools to work with. In essence, Clip Studio Paint Pro is a sort of budget-friendly Corel Painter.

That said, if you’re not a fan of subscriptions, you’ll be happy to learn that you can buy Clip Studio Paint Pro for $49.99. This is a one-time purchase only and later you can upgrade to the Ex version of the software to unlock more exciting features.

Windows doesn’t have the best reputation among artists, but there are so many amazing drawing apps that you shouldn’t skip. All the digital painting and drawing apps on our list work great with drawing tablets, touch screens, and even a mouse (not recommended). Give them a try and let us know in the comments below which app is your favorite.

The 7 Best Drawing Apps For Windows 10

Nicolae is a Jack of all trades technology writer with a focus on hardware, programming languages, and AI image-processing software. Over the last five years, he has ghostwritten numerous tech how-to guides and books on a variety of topics ranging from Linux to C# programming and game development. Nicolae loves everything that has to do with technology and his goal is to share his knowledge and experience with others. Read Nicolae's Full Bio

Best Free Drawing Software For PC & Mobile 2022 - Digital Art Apps Free Pc Manager For Windows 7 Key

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Google Translate is a multilingual neural machine translation service developed by Google to translate text, documts and websites from one language into another. It offers a website interface, a mobile app for Android and iOS, and an API that helps developers build browser extsions and software applications.

Launched in April 2006 as a statistical machine translation service, it used United Nations and European Parliamt documts and transcripts to gather linguistic data. Rather than translating languages directly, it first translates text to glish and th pivots to the target language in most of the language combinations it posits in its grid,

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During a translation, it looks for patterns in millions of documts to help decide which words to choose and how to arrange them in the target language. Its accuracy, which has be criticized on several occasions,

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In November 2016, Google announced that Google Translate would switch to a neural machine translation gine – Google Neural Machine Translation (GNMT) – which translates "whole stces at a time, rather than just piece by piece. It uses this broader context to help it figure out the most relevant translation, which it th rearranges and adjusts to be more like a human speaking with proper grammar".

Since SMT uses predictive algorithms to translate text, it had poor grammatical accuracy. Despite this, Google initially did not hire experts to resolve this limitation due to the ever-evolving nature of language.

As of February 2010, it was integrated into browsers such as Chrome and was able to pronounce the translated text, automatically recognize words in a picture and spot unfamiliar text and languages.

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It is able to scan text or a picture using the device and have it translated instantly. Moreover, the system automatically idtifies foreign languages and translates speech without requiring individuals to tap the microphone button whever speech translation is needed.

It uses deep learning techniques to translate whole stces at a time, which has be measured to be more accurate betwe glish and Frch, German, Spanish, and Chinese.

No measuremt results have be provided by Google researchers for GNMT from glish to other languages, other languages to glish, or betwe language pairs that do not include glish. As of 2018, it translates more than 100 billion words a day.

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In 2017, Google Translate was used during a court hearing wh court officials at Teesside Magistrates' Court failed to book an interpreter for the Chinese defdant.

For most of its features, Google Translate provides the pronunciation, dictionary, and listing to translation. Additionally, Google Translate has introduced its own Translate app, so translation is available with a mobile phone in offline mode.

Google Translate produces approximations across languages of multiple forms of text and media, including text, speech, websites, or text on display in still or live video images.

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And in certain pairs it is possible to highlight specific corresponding words and phrases betwe the source and target text. Results are sometimes shown with dictional information below the translation box, but it is not a dictionary

If "Detect language" is selected, text in an unknown language can be automatically idtified. In the web interface, users can suggest alternate translations, such as for technical terms, or correct mistakes. These suggestions may be included in future updates to the translation process. If a user ters a URL in the source text, Google Translate will produce a hyperlink to a machine translation of the website.

It is possible to ter searches in a source language that are first translated to a destination language allowing one to browse and interpret results from the selected destination language in the source language.

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Texts writt in the Arabic, Cyrillic, Devanagari and Greek scripts can be transliterated automatically from phonetic equivalts writt in the Latin alphabet. The browser version of Google Translate provides the option to show phonetic equivalts of text translated from Japanese to glish. The same option is not available on the paid API version.

Digital Art - Digital Art Zürich Wikipedia English Online Dictionary

Many of the more popular languages have a "text-to-speech" audio function that is able to read back a text in that language, up to a few doz words or so. In the case of plurictric languages, the acct depds on the region: for glish, in the Americas, most of the Asia-Pacific and Western Asia, the audio uses a female Geral American acct, whereas in Europe, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Guyana and all other parts of the world, a female British (Received Pronunciation) acct is used, except for a special Geral Australian acct used in Australia, New Zealand and Norfolk Island, and an Indian glish acct used in India; for Spanish, in the Americas, a Latin American acct is used, while in the other parts of the world, a Castilian acct is used; for Portuguese, a São Paulo acct is used around the world, except in Portugal, where their native acct is used instead; for Frch, a Quebec acct is used in Canada, while in the other parts of the world, a standard European acct is used; for Bgali, a male Bangladeshi acct is used, except in India, where a special female Indian Bgali acct is used instead. Until March 2023, some less widely spok languages used the op-source eSpeak synthesizer for their speech; producing a robotic, awkward voice that may be difficult to understand.

Google Translate is available in some web browsers as an optional downloadable extsion that can run the translation gine, which allow right-click command access to the translation service.

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A screshot of the iOS app of Google Translate, showing an glish translation of "Coffee" to Simplified Chinese "咖啡 " or "Kāfēi "

The Google Translate app for Android and iOS supports 133 languages and can propose translations for 37 languages via photo, 32 via voice in "conversation mode", and 27 via live video imagery in "augmted reality mode".

The Android app is compatible with devices running at least Android 2.1, while the iOS app is compatible with iPod Touches, iPads, and iPhones updated to iOS 7.0+.

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A January 2011 Android version experimted with a "Conversation Mode" that aims to allow users to communicate fluidly with a nearby person in another language.

The 'Camera input' functionality allows users to take a photograph of a documt, signboard, etc. Google Translate recognises the text from the image using optical character recognition (OCR) technology and gives the translation. Camera input is not available for all languages.

Google Translate - Digital Art Zürich Wikipedia English Online Dictionary

In January 2015, the apps gained the ability to propose translations of physical signs in real time using the device's camera, as a result of Google's acquisition of the Word Ls app.

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The original January launch only supported sev languages, but a July update added support for 20 new languages, with the release of a new implemtation that utilizes convolutional neural networks, and also hanced the speed and quality of Conversation Mode translations (augmted reality).

The feature was subsequtly ramed Instant Camera. The technology underlying Instant Camera combines image processing and optical character recognition, th attempts to produce cross-language equivalts using standard Google Translate estimations for the text as it is perceived.

On May 11, 2016, Google introduced Tap to Translate for Google Translate for Android. Upon highlighting text in an app that is in a foreign language, Translate will pop up inside of the app and offer translations.

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The Translate API page stated the reason as "substantial economic burd caused by extsive abuse" with an d date set for December 1, 2011.

In response to public pressure, Google announced in June 2011 that the API would continue to be available as a paid service.

Because the API was used in numerous third-party websites and apps, the original decision to deprecate it led some developers to criticize Google and question the viability of using Google APIs in their products.

Big Data - Digital Art Zürich Wikipedia English Online Dictionary

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Google Translate also provides translations for Google Assistant and the devices that Google Assistant runs on such as Google Nest and Pixel Buds.

The following languages are not yet supported by Google Translate, but are available in the Translate Community. As of April 2023, there are 103 languages in developmt, of which 9 are in beta version.

The languages in beta version are closer to their public release and have an exclusive extra option to contribute that allows evaluating up to 4 translations of the beta version by translating an glish text of up to 50 characters.

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There is currtly a petition for Google to add Cree to Google Translate, but as of April 2023, it is not one of the languages in developmt yet.

Google Translate does not apply grammatical rules, since its algorithms are based on statistical or pattern analysis rather than traditional rule-based analysis. The system's original creator, Franz Josef Och, has criticized the effectivess of rule-based algorithms in favor of statistical approaches.

Original versions of Google Translate were based on a method called statistical machine translation, and more specifically, on research by Och who won the DARPA contest for speed machine translation in 2003. Och was the head of Google's machine translation group until leaving to join Human Longevity, Inc. in July 2014.

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Google Translate does not translate from one language to another (L1 → L2). Instead, it oft translates first to glish and th to the target language (L1 → →

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digital art king soopers pharmacy hours nj application

A new King Soopers Marketplace will be built in a shopping center in Fountain, south of Colorado Springs and is expected to mirror this marketplace store that opened in 2017 southeast of Constitution Avenue and Marksheffel Road on the Springs’ east edge.

A new King Soopers grocery will anchor a 21-acre shopping center to be developed in Fountain, which the city’s leaders and the project’s developer say will provide more shopping and dining options for the fast-growing, but retail-starved Fountain Valley area south of Colorado Springs.

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The store will be built southeast of Mesa Ridge Parkway and Syracuse Street on a site to be developed by Evergreen Devco, a real estate company with offices in Denver, Phoenix, California and Utah. The company, which has several existing residential, retail and commercial projects in the Colorado Springs area, will partner with the property’s current owner on the new Fountain development.

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Evergreen Devco hopes to start construction on the project this fall, while the King Soopers is targeted to open in 2025, said Russ Perkins, a principal in the real estate company’s Phoenix office.

King Soopers spokeswoman Jessica Trowbridge said via email she didn’t have additional details about the supermarket’s newest store at this time; in a news release, she said King Soopers was “excited to join the Fountain community and to serve the residents of the Fountain Valley.”

In 2017, it opened the Claremont Ranch Marketplace, southeast of Constitution Avenue and Marksheffel Road in unincorporated El Paso County on Colorado Springs’ east edge. Evergreen Devco also is developing Falcon Marketplace, northwest of Woodmen and Meridian roads in unincorporated Falcon, northeast of the Springs.

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Both shopping centers are anchored by a 123, 000-square-foot King Soopers Marketplace — a store about twice the size of the chain’s traditional supermarkets. In addition to full lines of groceries, produce, meat and the like, marketplace stores sell clothing, shoes, dinnerware, small kitchen appliances and other items.

Evergreen Devco’s shopping centers also are home to free-standing buildings for restaurants, coffee shops, auto part stores and service-oriented businesses, and both have multitenant, retail buildings.

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The King Soopers at the new Fountain shopping center also will be a marketplace store, Perkins said. It will be joined by a half-dozen, standalone buildings; the real estate company is talking with three potential users, two of which are restaurants, he said.

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For Fountain and the larger Fountain Valley, which includes unincorporated Security-Widefield, Fort Carson to the west and residential areas to the east, the new King Soopers and the larger retail center will broaden shopping for homeowners and residents in the region, said Kimberly Bailey, Fountain’s economic development and urban renewal director.

The Fountain Valley has a population of about 109, 000, she said; for grocery shoppers, the city of Fountain is home to two Walmart Supercenters and a Safeway store.

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But Bailey said a city consultant has estimated the area loses $42 million a year in retail activity because residents still choose to shop in Colorado Springs and elsewhere, where there are more stores, restaurants and service-oriented businesses.

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The store also will have a pharmacy, lifestyle products and other services, Bailey said. At the same time, UC Health plans to build a 23, 000-square-foot medical facility across the street, on the west side of Syracuse; the health care system’s decision to locate its facility at the site was contingent on a large anchor committing to the shopping center, she said.

“Once you have such a respectful anchor, brand that comes in, it in a way is a magnet for additional retailers to start considering the community for additional expansion, ” Bailey said.

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Meanwhile, Fountain Municipal Transit, the city’s mass transit system, will have a stop at the shopping center, which will provide an important link for King Soopers and other shoppers to connect to Colorado Springs via its Mountain Metro system, she said.

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Perkins, of Evergreen Devco, says King Soopers’ decision to locate at the company’s shopping center underscores the growth of Fountain and the Fountain Valley. Up to now, some real estate developers and retailers have overlooked that growth, he said.

“We have been trying to fill the retail void in Fountain for probably the better part of eight years, ” he said. “We, Evergreen, have believed there was enough demand and a growth story here to attract the caliber of a King Soopers.

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“Fountain has wrongfully been characterized for too long as a small town, ” Perkins added. “It’s not. ... I prefer to think of it as just an underserved neighborhood. There is a great shopping center up the hill with Safeway. But plain and simple, there’s just more demand than has been met historically.”

New Fort Collins King Soopers Will Be 'flagship' Store, Developers Say

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candy house with path digital art gallery website official

Learn how to paint a Gingerbread House with acrylic paints on canvas. This was so much fun to paint! I’ve been wanting to do a gingerbread house painting for awhile now and finally put a tutorial together for it. This tutorial will guide you through the steps of how I did this painting but it’s certainly open for a lot of customization!

This is a fun Christmas Canvas Painting you can do with your kids as well. I provide a traceable so you don’t have to worry about drawing the house. Think of all the creative possibilities and types of candies you can add to this design!

Fantasy Candy House Illustration Stock Photo By ©Ellerslie 254927832 - Candy House With Path Digital Art Gallery Website Official

You’ll need a large wash brush (I used a 3/4″) and the colors light blue permanent and titanium white. Double load the brush and paint long up and down strokes. Let the colors blend on the canvas without blending all the way together so that it looks “icy” in the sky.

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If you’re using the printable, get it ready and printed on a standard size computer paper. Place it over the graphite paper and trace with a pencil. The design will transfer to the canvas. Note: the placement of the traceable is about three fingers up from the bottom of the canvas.

Use your 3/4″ flat brush and titanium white to “cut in” on that hill line and fill the entire area solid white.

Use raw sienna and your 3/4″ flat brush. Paint up and down strokes except for the area where you need to “cut in” on the roof and paint diagonally. Note: you can switch to a smaller #4 bright brush to get into the tighter areas.

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Grab some white on your brush and lightly blend it in with the raw sienna “dry brush style”. This gives the brown in the gingerbread house some color variation.

Use a #4 bright brush to paint the door raw umber. Leave some gaps around the door but don’t worry about getting the edging perfect because that will be painted over with white later.

Optional: you can dip your brush in a tiny bit of blue and blend it into the white a bit for some color variation and shadow in the snow.

Best Gingerbread House Ideas For 2022

Next use any brush to paint the red stripes on the door trim and the chimney (I used my #5). The exact color of red I used was cadmium red medium.

The colors on my palette for the gumdrops are: cadmium red medium, cadmium yellow medium, light green permanent and primary blue. Because it’s no fun to constantlyswitch colors, I painted all the red gum drops first and then continued onto the next colors.

Optional: When painting the path, try to make the gum drops get slightly larger towards the bottom to create a sense of “depth”. I also angled my path a bit. The shape of these ground gum drops is a basic oval shape.

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Next I painted the swirls coming out of the chimney with titanium white and that same #5 round brush. Also I switched to a 10/0 liner to paint tiny dots on the roof gum drops and a reflection line on the ground gum drops.Oh and also – that door knob!

When I paint trees, I start out with a basic outline of the tree. Drag each stroke down with the round brush so that it starts out thick but gets thin as the paint runs out.

Then I fill in the inside of the tree using that same technique of dragging each round brush stroke from top to bottom.

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To get the “texture” and darker areas on the trees, I used hooker’s green.Rinse your brush off and grab hooker’s green. This time start from the bottom of the tree. Drag each stroke down one at a time (paint short curved lines).

Then work your way up the tree painting more short curved lines so that the lines overlap each other as you go from bottom of the tree to top of the tree.

How To Paint A Gingerbread House - Candy House With Path Digital Art Gallery Website Official

To paint the trunks, use burnt umber and paint a line. To add a bit of snow, use a clean round brush (#5) and paint more strokes starting from bottom of the tree to the top of the tree.

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Next I wanted that smoke from the chimney to stand out better so I used my 10/0 liner and the color mars black to outline the line again. I did not completely cover the white.Oh and also I painted the stars on the trees too with cadmium yellow medium.

I also picked some areas to slightly outline with the black. Be careful with this step! It may be tempting to outline everything but that’s not the point. The point is to add just a bit of black outline to “some” areas. I added black on the bottom of the ground gum drops.

Part of the chimney and the stars on the trees were outlined as well. Remember, any outlining I do is optional and you don’t have to copy it if you don’t like that style!

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To do the lollipop and candy cane, you’ll need to white out some areas first. Start by painting a titanium white circle in the general area you’d like to see the lollipop.Note: I did paint the candy cane stripes on the doorknob in too with cadmium red medium.

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Then paint the stick from the circle to the ground. Also, paint a white candy cane shape where you’d like your candy cane to be.

Wait for that white to dry a bit. Then proceed with cadmium red medium and your 10/0 liner. Paint a spiral starting from the center of the circle and swirling out.

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Finally, paint the stripes on the candy cane in with cadmium red medium.Also, I outlined the circle of the lollipop and the candy cane with mars black.

To do the shadows, I used watered down primary blue mixed with white (about equal parts). Use a #4 round brush to paint some shadow lines just under the trees, lollipop and candy cane. And if you look closely, the ground gum drops have a tiny bit of shadow underneath too.

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